Monday, 14 January, ZMO Forming Space and Collective/Religious Identities in post 1948 Haifa Lecture by Himmat Zoubi (EUME Fellow 2018-19, Berlin) as part of the Urban Studies Seminar The Urban Spatialities of Religion in the Middle East, Africa and South-East Asia
Since “the spatial turn” in the early 1990s and mainly following the English translation of Henri Lefebvre’s pioneering book “The Production of Space” (1974), space is no longer viewed as static or background, but as a site of struggle that shapes ideas, beliefs, principles and values. Modern socio-spatial theorists understand space as both dynamic and relational and as intertwined with lived experience. Likewise, the production and reproduction of the city are influenced by and inscribe themselves in the urban social relations...
Tuesday, 29 January, Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstraße 32, 12049 Berlin WeberWorldCafé: Changing Neighbourhoods Workshop with ZMO fellows Nazan Maksudyan, Hilal Alkan and many other speakers.
Changing Neighbourhoods will deal with both mobility and transformation. how have neighbourhoods developed and changed over time, in particular in cities that have experienced or are experiencing conflicts? How have central institutions of a city like museums shaped the fabric of the neighbourhoods around them? What do migrants bring to their new neighbourhoods? How are neighbourhoods organised, and what actually makes a neighbourhood a neighbourhood? These are some of the questions our next WeberWorldCafé will try to answer